tik tok tik tok.. kring2...
smakin cpat msa berlalu..
blan ni asyk cti jew...
tp bst gak coz Co-od cti..
boss cti, aq xde kje..
arini agk bz gak.
bz shopping..
ye lor.. Lunch g Pavi bli Kasut 2 pasang..
perfume Marc Jacob aq..
blk g amik gmbar akk yg vogue...
jln2 g Watson & Guardian kat TS...
bli gaun utk Tira...
n the last one, makan Subway..
FiQ, not a celebrity.. so, i need more friend that can help me and always with me in every situation. i like to meet a new frenz.. life is just like wheel... up and down its up to us....